Maximum load and no-load losses for three-phase dry-type medium power transformers as per Regulation (EU) n. 548/2014 and 2019/1783 These values are mandatory for transformers installed in Europe, excluding transformers specifically designed and used for the applications indicated in Article 1 point 2 of EU Regulation 548/14, as amended by EU Regulation 2019/1783.In case of different voltage ratios in the windings or in case of double voltage in one or in both windings, the load losses and no-load losses will be corrected as described in table I.3 of EU Regulation 548/14, as amended by EU Regulation 2019/1783.Transformers with a power greater than 3.150 kVA must comply with the minimum values of the peak efficiency index (PEI) as shown in table I.8 of the EU Regulation 2019/1783.