IMEFY Italy manufactures cast resin transformers for distribution and special applications with rated voltage up to 36kV and rated power up to at 25 MVA.

Main Applications
Stabilimenti FIAT - FCA
Rolls Royce - Derby, UK
Maserati - Italy
Mercedes-Benz - Ludwigsfelde
BMW Logistic Center - Wallersdorf
Fincantieri - Italy
Ferrero - Italy
Saint Gobain - Italy
Pirelli - Italy
Michelin Italiana - Italy
Arena stadium - Jerusalem, Israel
San Siro Ac Milan Inter Stadium - Milano, Italy
Helsinki Olympic Stadium - Helsinki, Finland
Juventus Stadium - Torino, Italy
O2 Arena - London, UK
DHL Terminal - Leipzig, Germany
Aeroporto Marco Polo - Venezia, Italy
Vantaa Airport - Helsinki, Finland
Bromma Airport - Stockholm, Sweden
Tallinn Airport - Tallinn, Estonia
Over 150 Transformers to NDA Datacenter providers - UK
Indectron Data Centre - Gloucestershire, UK
Telecom Italia Acilia - Roma, Italy
Fastweb - Milano and Verona, Italy
Tiscali - Cagliari, Italy
ThyssenKrupp Acciai - Terni, Italy
RUSAL Aluminium plant - Krasnoyarskiy region, Russia
Kaluga Electrometallurgical Plant - Kaluga, Russia
Kazakshstan Caspian Offshore Industries Metal - Kazakshtan
Voestalpine Steel - Linz, Austria
Ospedale Careggi - Firenze, Italy
Ospedale Niguarda - Milano, Italy
Kainua Hospital - Kajaani, Finland
Hospital Sankt Elisabeth - Germany
Carea Hospital - Kotka, Finland
New APM Rotterdam Port - Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Naval Base Northern Sea - Wilhelmshaven, Germany
Harbour Stockholm - Stockholm, Sweden
Military Unit of Baltic Navy - Leningrad region, Russia
Porto Industriale - Livorno, Italy
Buildings and Towers
The Madison Project - London, UK
TV tower “Alexanderplatz” - Berlin, Germany
Atrium Tower - Israel
Zam Zam Tower - Dhaka, Bangladesh
Wind Power Plants
Endesa Wind Power Plant - Spain
Parco Eolico Gamesa - Isernia, Italy
Parco Eolico Gamesa - Crotone, Italy
Parco Eolico Gamesa - Palermo, Italy
Parco Eolico Acciona - Palermo, Italy
Hydro Power Plants
Voith Hydro Powerplants - Austria
Alstom Hydro Powerplants - Norway
Iru Chp Plant - Tallinn, Estonia
Centrale Hydro Alpe Adria - Udine, Italy
Railways & Subways
Stazione Alta Velocità - Reggio Emilia, Italy
Russian Railways - Novosibirsk, Russia
RFI - Mestre, Italy
Metro Roma - Roma, Italy
Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe Metro - Berlin, Germany
IMEFY Italy constantly achieves the highest levels of quality in terms of products, services and production processes. Quality begins with the correct selection of suppliers. Raw materials are carefully controlled during the reception, storage, construction and assembly phases.
All transformers are subjected to strict quality inspections during the manufacturing process and during the final test in the testing room, where all acceptance and type tests are carried out, with the sole exception of the short circuit test.
IMEFY Italy production processes are developed with a quality management system in compliance with international standards ISO 9001, 14001 and 45001.
Climatic, Environmental and Fire Behaviour Certifications
IMEFY Italy transformers are certified E3-C2-F1 for Climatic, Environmental and Fire Behaviour Classes.
This certification, which can only be obtained in internationally recognized independent third-party laboratories such as CESI in Milan, submits the transformer to strict tests that certify the true environmental, climatic and fire behaviour properties of the transformer.
Ecodesign - EU Regulation n. 548/2014 and 2019/1783
Following the indications of the international treaty known as the "Kyoto Protocol", in 2005 the European Community issued the Directive 2005/32/EC, commonly called the Ecodesign Directive, in order to implement energy efficiency in electrical energy users.
Subsequently, in 2009, with the Directive 2009/125/EC, the scope of the previous Directive was extended also to appliances related to the use of electricity and, in this context, specific rules were laid down for transformers of small, medium and large power by Regulation (EU) No. 548/201, later modified by Regulation (EU) 2019/1783.
For each transformer, IMEFY Italy drafts and attaches to the transformer the rating plate in compliance with Reg. EU 548/2014, Reg. EU 2019/1783 and Directive 2009/125/EC and the relative declaration of conformity and CE marking.
IMEFY Italy has certified its Ecodesign transformers at CESI laboratory in Milan and at ENEA, the Italian authority in charge of market surveillance by the European Union.
IMEFY Italy has in its plant a testing room in which every single manufactured transformer is subjected to routine tests (and type tests when required).
- Measurement of winding resistance (IEC 60076-11:2018, Par. 14.2.1)
- Measurement of voltage ratio and check of phase displacement (IEC 60076-11:2018, Par. 14.2.2)
- Measurement of short-circuit impedance and load loss (IEC 60076-11:2018, Par. 14.2.3)
- Measurement of no-load loss and current (IEC 60076-11:2018, Par. 14.2.4)
- Applied voltage test (AV) (IEC 60076-11:2018, Par. 14.2.5)
-Induced voltage withstand test (IVW) (IEC 60076-11:2018, Par. 14.2.6)
- Partial discharge measurement (IEC 60076-11:2018, Par. 14.2.7)
For each transformer are prepared and issued a test report, in accordance with IEC 60076-11, the installation and maintenance manual, the rating plate in accordance with Reg. EU 548/2014 and Directive 2009/125/EC and the relative declaration of conformity and CE marking.
Within the testing room of IMEFY Italy plant, also the following type tests may also be carried out, upon specific request:
- Full wave lightning impulse test (LI) (IEC 60076-11:2018, Par. 14.3.1)
- Temperature-rise test (IEC 60076-11:2018, Par. 14.3.2)
- Measurement of sound level (IEC 60076-11:2018, Par. 14.4.2)